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Is Your Home & Yard Fall-Ready?

Fall brings changes in the weather, and it also brings changes to your yard and landscape, there are steps to take to get your yard ready for winter.

There are several important things to remember for Fall:

We’re going to let you know everything you need to do in order to have a clean, well-kept and lively yard. 

Lawn Care

Keeping your lawn in order, and prepared to come back the following year healthy, full and vibrant can be easy, and when you get ahead of it, it will save you time and energy the next Spring. 

  • Keep leaves off the yard to prevent it from dying before the lawn goes into hibernation.
  • Overseed dying parts and new grass areas. 
  • Fertilize lawn with a “Fall” fertilizer. 
    • The best fall fertilizers will be the ones labeled 4-1-2, which refers to the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the fertilizer. 
    • Try to time the last fertilizing about 3 weeks before you do the final mowing of the season. 
  • Keep cutting your grass, but to a 2.5 – 3” length, and at the final cut do 1.5-2’.  
    • This prevents snow mold and helps your grass grow in the spring.
  • Continue watering.
  • Aerate the yard once a year.
    • This helps remove plugs in your yard and helps it grow back stronger and healthier. 

Shrubs, Bushes, and Plants

  • Mulch and regularly water new-planted conifers. 
  • Don’t prune your bushes in the fall.

Miscellaneous Items

  • Clean your gutters out.
  • Keep your lawn tools clean and ready for the next year!
  • Drain water hoses. 
  • Winterize Machinery
    • “Fog” the engine with an oily spray that will prevent moisture from ruining your engine. You can buy the spray at an auto parts store.
    • Ensure batteries are fully charged before winter.
    • Use a fuel stabilizer to prevent stored gas from gumming up.

The Reasons You Should Plant More Trees

Trees are a beautiful, and vital part of daily life, and planting more of them in your yard can improve multiple aspects of your life. 

Trees hold soil in place

When the trees grow, the roots go deep into the soil, and by doing so it holds the soil in place. This prevents the effects of erosion, especially when the trees are strategically placed on hills or on steeper parts of your yard.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide

This may seem your grade school class all over again, but yes, trees take in carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen. This is a major benefit to us, as we need oxygen to survive. However, it doesn’t stop there, trees can also absorb nitrogen oxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone. 

Trees Slow Water Runoff

Trees are also very effective at slowing water runoff, thus limiting the impact of flash flooding. It is estimated that trees can intercept about 1000 gallons of water yearly.. 

Trees can filter noise

Trees are also great at filtering noise from busy streets, and highways. When planted strategically, trees can dramatically decrease nuisance noise.

Trees can reduce energy costs

Trees create shade in the summer, which would lower the costs to cool your home, and additionally, they can block fierce winds in the winter which would lower the cost to heat the home.

Increase Property Value

Trees along with great landscaping can increase the value of your home! Estimates range from 7 to 19 percent increase in property value. 

Trees Produce Food

There are many different varieties of produce or food that can be derived from food. An expert can guide you to whichever ones are best for your region and your home.

Trees can help people with mental illness 

Being around nature, and green environments have shown to produce the necessary chemicals in the brain that stimulate happiness.

25 days til Fall – Are you prepared?

25 days til Fall – Are you prepared?

That’s right, there are only 25 days left until the Fall season starts on September 1st. Do you know what it takes to make your yard ready for an Utah Fall? We have just a few pointers that could make your yard excel during the Fall. Check out our tips below. 

Controlling those Weeds

The first step in preparing your yard for Fall is taking control of those weeds. Making it so that no weeds stay in your lawn or garden for these colder months. Get down and pull them out of your yard. 

Aerating that Lawn

Aerating your lawn can really help regrowth and make your yard look healthy. Aerating makes the air circulate through the lawn. This will help your grass be healthier by growing together. 

Seeding just the right amount

Getting the right amount of seed at the right amount of temperature outside is crucial. Making sure that it isn’t too hot outside or too windy as well. 

Managing Pests

It is important to get rid of pests before the Winter months or else these pests might just live in your yard all Winter long, digging in your soil. Getting rid of these early will help you keep your lawn healthy for the next months of colder temperatures. 

Fertilizing correctly

Fertilizing is crucial during the Fall time as you want to give enough nutrients to your yard to get through these next months. Getting your fertilizer and feeding your yard will really help boost the healthiness of your lawn. 


Water-Wise Coniferous Trees


Water-Wise Coniferous Trees

There are many coniferous trees out there. But living in Utah, being water-wise is just common sense. Many of us have heard, “Slow the Flow.” A campaign in Utah to save our H2O as they say. So here is a list of water-wise coniferous trees to plant in your yard. 

To see the photos of the trees, you can go to this link:

White Fir

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: mountains of western North America including Oregon, California, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico
  • Age Range: 300-years

Incense Cedar

  • Pine Family: Cupressaceae
  • Native Habitat: Western North America including Oregon, California, Nevada, and Mexico

Blue Atlas Cedar

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: mountains of northern Morocco and Algeria

Cedar of Lebanon

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: mountains of the Eastern Mediterranean basin
  • Age Range: growth slow after 70 years

Arizona Cypress

  • Pine Family: Cupressaceae
  • Native Habitat: Arizona, Utah, southwestern New Mexico, and southern California, with a few populations in southern Nevada and in the Chisos Mountains of western Texas and in Mexico

Utah Juniper

  • Pine Family: Cupressaceae
  • Native Habitat: the southwestern United States, in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, western New Mexico, western Colorado, Wyoming, southern Montana, southern Idaho, and eastern California

Rocky Mountain Juniper

  • Pine Family: Cupressaceae
  • Native Habitat: western North America, in Canada in British Columbia and southwest Alberta, in the United States from Washington east to North Dakota, south to Arizona and also locally western Texas, and northernmost Mexico 
  • Age Range: 1500 years old

Bristlecone Pine

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: Western North America 
  • Age Range: 5,000 years old

Pinyon Pine

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: the southwestern United States, especially in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah

Limber Pine

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: Western United States, Mexico, and Canada
  • Age Range: 3,000 years old

Austrian Pine

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: southern Mediterranean Europe from Spain to the eastern Mediterranean on Anatolian peninsula of Turkey and on Corsica/Cyprus, including Crimea, and in the high mountains of the Maghreb in North Africa
  • Age Range: 40 years old

Ponderosa Pine

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: the western United States and Canada

Scotch Pine 

  • Pine Family: Pinaceae
  • Native Habitat: Western Europe to Eastern Siberia, south to the Caucasus Mountains and Anatolia, and north to well inside the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia

Making a Lawn Green In Utah Summer Months


Living in Utah, we know that it can be hard to maintain a green lawn. Going from low 50s to high 80s in a day, it’s hard to determine what to do with your lawn. Here are few tactics to use to keep that lawn looking spectacular.


Fertilize, Fertilize, Fertilize

Everything living needs so sort of nutrients or food. Fertilization is food for your grass. That’s why it is recommended to fertilize at least in once in Spring and Fall. You also don’t want to over fertilize so find that in between medium.

Oxygen is Key

Lawn can become hard and doesn’t let the nutrients into their systems. This is why aeration is key to providing oxygen to the grass and letting it get those nutrients that it needs.

Yellow Spots Need Special Attention

Sometimes lawn will show yellow spots. Whether this is from a pet or not, you can treat it by using seed, mulch, and fertilizer. You can find lawn repair kits at Home Depot and Lowe’s.

Get the Right Length

The long blades of grass create the perfect about of shade for the soil and roots to grow and be nourished. You want to make sure that you don’t cut your lawn too short or it won’t be that pretty green we all aim for in our lawns.

Water the Perfect Amount

About 1-3 times a week of deep watering is just enough to get the green grass. If you water more, it won’t sink into the soil deep enough to help the lawn. A test is to walk on the lawn, if the footprint stays, you need to water. If it doesn’t stay then you are good to wait another day.

Don’t Rush It

Don’t think watering every day will get your lawn green because it won’t. If you rush your grass to be green it will just waste money and the amount of time you are putting into it.

Leave it Even

Make sure that you are getting all spots of your lawn and not just the main few areas. You want to make sure that it is spreading the water evenly.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

The earlier you water your lawn in the day, the cooler and darker it is. This lets your grass soak up the water because the sun comes and dries it out.

Plants = Happiness


Plants = Happiness


Plants require little responsibility but provide a lot of rewards. Plants can brighten an otherwise dull place, and they can bring life to a small, crowded space. Not only do plants play such a vital role in our environment, but they also can provide you with emotional and physical health benefits.  Read the following reasons why you should consider including more plants into your life.

Gardening, as it can require a lot of movement and strength, can be considered as a form of exercise. Similar to other types of exercise, gardening helps to release endorphins, the hormone that can reduce pain and help people relax.

Instead of just growing flowers and shrubs, consider growing fruit and vegetables in your garden. Home-grown fruits and vegetables are quite healthy for you, and if you grow them right in your backyard, it becomes a lot more convenient to include your produce in your diet.

Research has also suggested that plants can improve a person’s psychological welfare and that people actually recover from illness faster when they spend time around plants. So when you feel a cold coming on, try to go spend some time out in your garden!

For many people with pets, the joy of taking care of their animals and being responsible for their wellbeing can bring them purpose. Gardening and the effort required to keep plants alive can provide a similar feeling of great responsibility, but with less expense and risk. This can provide a sense of purpose and importance for those who may struggle with mental health issues.

Above all, plants are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to look at. They provide pops of color in an environment that is otherwise plain to look at. To gain many of these health benefits and to create a yard you love to spend time in, contact CARE at

Why Springtime Lawn Care is Important


Many people love spring! After months of harsh cold weather and gloomy dark days, finally, springtime arrives. Spring means Spring Break, long sunny days, fresh air, and most importantly, new budding plants and grass. This new season, while it is meant to be enjoyed, is also a vital time to do the landscaping and lawn care that ensures a beautiful property the rest of the year. These are some of the most important landscaping tips for the springtime.


Soil Acidity

During the winter, the pH levels in your lawn can become highly acidic. This can kill off grass and prevent new growth. If pH levels are high, spreading a layer of lime over the lawn will neutralize the soil.


Preventing Weeds

While spring is the perfect time for new grass to sprout, it is also the perfect time for weeds. Prevent those obnoxious weeds from even growing in the first place by applying a herbicide to your lawn in the early spring.



Though aeration can also be done in the fall, many people do find their lawn in need of aeration once spring rolls around. Aeration is just the creation of holes in the surface of the lawn to allow for better drainage as well as water and air access to the grassroots.



After months of lying dormant under snow, grass often needs some extra care. Fertilize your grass with either compost or chemical fertilizer to encourage a healthy lawn.


Sound like a lot of work to you? After a whole winter being cooped up inside, you don’t want to spend your time outdoors doing yard work. Contact us and we will take care of all of your spring landscaping and lawn maintenance needs!

Uniquely Utah


It is no secret that Utah is a unique place. One thing that makes it unique is its environment and climate. In Utah, landscapers face difficulties that come along with high elevation as well as the stresses of low annual precipitation. These factors can affect the successful growth of plant life. However, CARE has become acquainted with the unique environment of Utah, and we are able to help your landscapes thrive despite the dry climate.

One of the best ways to deal with this lack of water is knowing what plants will flourish best in the dry environment. Xeriscaping is the use of drought-resistant plants that require less water and care in landscapes. Some examples of xeric plants are daffodils, lilacs, and herbs such as oregano and basil. Pine trees can also be successful in a xeriscape. CARE can help you pick the most attractive plant life for your landscape while also considering which species will do best in the environment.

No matter which plants you choose, knowing how to care for them is important. Luckily, we know the best ways to care for your lawn even during long, hot summers. It is important for lawns to be watered early in the day, so the grass is able to soak up the water before it evaporates. It is also vital for your lawn to be watered evenly, and too-frequent watering must also be prevented. CARE can assist with this weekly maintenance to ensure your lawn will always be healthy and green.

To design a landscape that is unique to you and will also succeed in the beautiful state we live in, contact CARE today.